Words are for stringing together the silence
Like colored lights
I wrap them around you
A meager gift
Words reduce thought to form
And then back into thought
To revolve around your sun
Wrap these words around you Like a blanket to keep you warm
Stand upon them when the water rises
Cling to them for balance when you falter
For they are your blessing
These words untangle your mystery
Spelling out your beauty for the page
Breaking it down into tiny symbols
Then building into phrases again
In celebration of you
My Heart
11 years ago
it s very great, I love it !
words that fall from thought to form
leave my mind and find thier way to paper
here, there and everywhere
like the rain they must fall
like the sun they must shine
and like the moon they pull me
here, there and everywhere
to shine like pieces of rainbows
and reflect the love of life
to all the people who
seek to live life as truth
those who are pieces of that rainbow
I'm trying to put them back together
come home, be healed, be whole
beautiful Derek...
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