Saturday, July 25, 2009

All of This is You

Deep in the forest, the beat of a drum
Or a heart
Arouses my sleep
High in the mountains
The sound of singing disturbs my lonely paradise
On a far away shore
Stillness, the gentle drone of the ocean
Seashell to my ear
To hear
The endless swishhhhh
And then there is laughter, always laughter in the morning
Disguising itself as the sound of birds
Then the rosebud in its haughty red
Closes like a fist, like a tiny heart
And the gentle breeze teases my hair
All of this is you...
And that familiar aroma
that carries me back to another time and place
To a different mystery
Back to when I was "me"
And Deja Vu
That haunting feeling
Of being birth in an instant
Into the past
All of this is you...
The mud, caked and dark, smiles at me near the waters edge
And the ripples of the water, calling, calling, calling
Always circling outwards
Delivering the message of you
And that howl in the night
Under 10,000 Angel eyes
Is my heart answering your call
And all of this is you...


Marie said...

Your writing is amazing. I can't wait until the inspiration strikes and the new stuff comes pouring out!

I enjoy your blog(s). They make me laugh, think and realize that with a little though, my words can be more descriptive, more captivating and energizing.

Keep writing - because All of this is you!

Luna said...

Hey Derek..glad you are writing again...thanks for taking me on that journey. Filling my mind with images and emotions.

Mil@n@ said...

i love it!